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HU Powers Index

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:37 pm
by kmspade
The question there such a thing?

I don't mean the random list at the end of PU3, but something like it, only alphabetical with book and page numbers? Has anyone made one or know of one?

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:24 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Nothing like that has been created that I know of, not alphabetical or with page numbers.

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:02 pm
by Severus Snape
kittenstomp's random tables of doom has a complete list of the powers, to include the book they are in. it isn't alphabetical and doesn't give page numbers, but it's a start.

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:49 pm
by NMI
Severus Snape wrote:kittenstomp's random tables of doom has a complete list of the powers, to include the book they are in. it isn't alphabetical and doesn't give page numbers, but it's a start.

And said table can be found here: Kittenstomp's Random Tables of Doom

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:23 am
by kmspade
Excellent! Thanks for all the help guys! I think just knowing what book they come from will probably be enough for now. The books table of contents will provide the page number easily enough.

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:53 am
by Severus Snape
This thread has gotten me to thinking. I wonder if it would be possible to convince PB to "rearrange" the books. Put all the Power Categories in one book, all the powers in another book, and the rest of the rules in a third book (skills, combat, etc.)? Is this an idea that anybody thinks would fly (no pun intended)?

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:41 am
by kmspade
The only problem I see with that would be that you would need a minimum of those three books to play the game. And we'd have to re-buy them all.

As it is now, HU2 is playable with only the main book and some imagination. (Unlike BTS2, which is missing magic and monsters, two key elements of that game. :x ) So think of it this way, what would happen if they released a HU book with all the power categories in it, and never produced the powers book or the rules book? Could you play the game? What if there was only the rule book, and no powers category or powers book, same question?

I think the main book for every game should provide the bare basics to play the game stand alone. All the other books are just fluff...extra material that is optional, not required, to make the game playable.

It might be a viable strategy to sell more books, but wouldn't be very user friendly to the beginning gamer. (Or maybe they're used to the D&D format of buying 3 core books to have a playable game, I don't know.)

Oh, BTW, I finished my HU powers spreadsheet. It doesn't have page numbers, but it does contain all the canon powers from all HU2, PU1, 2 and 3, as well as major/minor, and offensive/defensive info. It's basically a re-hash of the tables at the end of PU3, only in a sortable spreadsheet format. PM me if anyone's interested and I can send it to you.

Re: HU Powers Index

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:47 pm
by kmspade
I think you should go re-read the power again. It does not say that they can recall ANYTHING. It says they have a photographic memory and can recall "most things". And that is only for things in the last 2-3 months. After that, they have to roll on the table.

While they may be able to recall what it was like to mimic a power, it is essentially a memory. And because it is a memory, recalling it would not give the character the power again. Otherwise a player could recall any power he had ever mimiced and that would be very unbalancing to the game. I smell a munchkin. :) At the very least, it would not be a minor power if it worked that way.

So I would say no, it cannot be used to gain a previously mimiced power. While they may be able to recall what having that power felt like, I don't think it should give the character the power all over again. Perhaps they would be better off recalling the license plate of the bad guys car, or the exact time of the robbery, or some other detail that will help him catch the evil doers. I think that's more in the spirit of the power.