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Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:38 pm
by DD The Shmey
In the debate to focus on defense or expansion, they would push strongly for expansion so that the NWC would extend itself and the cult with it, while letting it spread itself thin. Among their plans, is to fan the flames of war between the NWC and the black winged monster men, and then to have their priests "empowered cultist" become hero's on the battlefield, further garnering respect and followers. At the same time they will slowly seek to undermine other powerful righteous members of the NWC , starting with that Atlantian stone master Adrian, and the Cosmo Knights. "...Everybody knows that Atlantis is full of monstrous demons that take people as slaves. Hey, isn't Adrian also from Atlantis?"

Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:03 pm
by Hawk258
First off the area in question is inland 200+/- miles from the coastal range.

Only route in would be the Columbia river and it would likely have threats of own.

Secondly I have made the group survivor/refugees of the tolkeen/coalition wars.

And why the population is spread out among several areas including nomadic groups, not all races/cultures are going to click in a dense packed city.

This allows each to develop independent of others but also allows sharing and conflict.

There is room to include your cults on the coastal ranges however
Anything outside the NWC area is exploration, mining ops, and salvage ops. From "my" accounting.

The vortex is a minor leyline nexus and community not connected to the NWC.

Actually rose Wilder is an other players character.

She is the body fixer.

And her "rescue" run was a played event. Along with most of this. Or at least GM approved

There is a lot of area to cover just in oregon. I am not even scratching the surface yet.

The inclusion of phase world is rather moot as the NWC is trading not the characters.

The characters still start with limited funds and equipment as per character description.

Additionally the pyramid and access to phase world is controlled by a stone mage. Unless there is a leyline occ that has already been to phase world or the 3 galaxies.

Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:47 pm
by Hawk258
One aspect that "could" change is expansion of the vampires into the west and north as it is noted that the minion war has diverted attention from the vampire kingdoms.

Add in werebeast and other rift delivered enemies and you have more conflict.

However as is expected predators need prey. And as more prey enter the area more predators will follow.

As exploration happens more will be discovered.

Currently if there is another faction in the area that poses a threat, they maybe watching and waiting to allow for a certain comfort level before they decide to act.

Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:28 am
by DD The Shmey
I am getting an impression that you don't like my idea of the cult of the deep infestation, but not for the reasons you listed. Hawk, is it possible that you feel a personal attachment to the welfare of the NorthWest Coop, and the real reason you hesitate to embrace my plan is that you don't like the idea of a cult infestation mucking up your creation?

Let's look at your first two bullet points.

Hawk258 wrote:First off the area in question is inland 200+/- miles from the coastal range.

Only route in would be the Columbia river and it would likely have threats of own.

200 miles inland - that is still a heck of a lot closer than the Calgary rift, the coalition states, or the vampires in Mexico.

Although you are right that the land dwelling people probably want to avoid the dangers of the river, I don't think that the denizens of the deep would be afraid of any big bad monsters roaming around in the columbia river, because they ARE the Big Bad Monsters in the columbia river. The minions of the deep could use the river like an interstate highway right to the doorstep of the NWC.

Both of these first two concerns also missed the point that I created a much closer proxy to the minions in the ocean when I created the Malestorm Maker that is living at the bottom of the river some 25 miles away from McNary your nearest township. Like you said, most of the area is unexplored, so there could be anything out there, including my sea goddess.

Hawk258 wrote:Secondly I have made the group survivor/refugees of the tolkeen/coalition wars.

And why the population is spread out among several areas including nomadic groups, not all races/cultures are going to click in a dense packed city.

This allows each to develop independent of others but also allows sharing and conflict.

You said earlier that the total population of the NWC is only around 2000 people, while also citing 19 towns that are under the Coop banner, so I can see what you mean about being spread out. But being spread out doesn't necessarily mean you can't have a cult presence. You can easily role play a secret witch living in a village of 20 people.

But I still wonder about that 2000 population count. If that really is the case, however, how is it possible that you have enough people to support a manufacturing of weapons and armor that you export to another dimension, and also build suits of power armor. Even more people would be required for your advanced R&D research on carbon nanotubes composite materials, and at the same time you are opening up significant mining ventures, and a port in Boardman. And all of this is to say nothing of the farming, electricity generation, and water treatment laborers needed to keep the towns running.

I would say that either you have more people in the area, say a few of your towns that have industry should have at least 2000 people in them, maybe with a total of 8000-10000 for the NWC as a whole instead of 2000 people total for all 19 towns. Otherwise you might need to roll back on what kind of industry you have going on here.

Man now that I think about it, that trade deal you have going on with the Bushi Federation is seeming less and less plausible. I mean if you only have 2000 people in the NWC, and they are spread roughly evenly across 19 towns, that means that the town that Adrian's pyramid is in would only have about 110 people in it. That's not enough trade to support a pawn shop, much less warrant a formal trade agreement with the CCW and Bushido.

... But honestly, this really doesn't matter how many people you have in your Coop. If those numbers are what is working in your games, than roll with them. Likewise, if you think that having the people spread across all that territory is too disperse for a cultist infestation, than we can just wait until your little nation grows up a bit more before we fully implement this plan.

Hawk258 wrote: There is room to include your cults on the coastal ranges however
Anything outside the NWC area is exploration, mining ops, and salvage ops. From "my" accounting.

The vortex is a minor leyline nexus and community not connected to the NWC.

Part of the reason why I suggested a Lord of the Deep cult was because it presented the opportunity to have an internal threat to the NWC, and truly give the setting a feeling of possible imminent doom. I didn't get that feeling from your other written material about the area.

Every other area in North America (and in Rifts earth in general) has some kind of existential threat that is looming over the area or the characters in the party. Playing in Tolkien you have the war and occupation, and lingering demon hoards and coalition kill teams. Playing in the north east you have Archee, the threat of a massive mechanoid invasion, and bands slavers from the superpower Atlantis. In the north you have the Xitixick swarms that are multiplying and will soon overrun us all. In Azrono you have the vampire threat from the south. Even playing in the Coalition States you have to worry that some dog boy is going to sniff out your magic user and then you'll be on the run.

Without that feeling of possible imminent doom, your territory has a kind of tame feeling to it that makes it less interesting.

Hawk258 wrote: Actually rose Wilder is an other players character.

She is the body fixer.

And her "rescue" run was a played event. Along with most of this. Or at least GM approved

I knew that Rose Wilder was another players character, that's why I called it "the kicker" and tried to be a little suspenseful in my introduction of the idea. It was a suggestion for a plot device for one of your upcoming games. I have found that introducing a little conflicting interests into the party can sometimes lead to good role-playing opportunities.

Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:20 am
by Hawk258
1: I don't because you are trying to RP without the other players participation.

2: as noted "small scale" manufacturing. 5 years to outfit just the volunteer militia. No matter how large or small you have to trade. And bushido have the equipment large or small. And the more trust worthy. Honestly there are places that manufacture using a workforce of 10. This is literally "small scale". However the materials is reasonable.

3: I am working with cannon setting as best as humanly possible. The "only" cannon threats at the moment in the Pacific northwest (landbased) is random encounters and the black winged monster men. That isn't to say there isn't more. Additionally I am using rifter 1 page 24 as a guide in this.

4: As for internal conflicts there will be more. Especially as life moves from survival, to comfort. Even a cult isn't about to screw itself out of being alive. These folks just nearly got squished by the coalition and there is always the threat that a dogboy or awol Coalition soldier isn't spying. Btw tolkeen was wiped off the map and the Coalition on a mission of genocide still. (Trust me, running missions back and forth to get survivors passed the Mississippi is a P.I.T.A.

And depending on where you are in the books Archie is a mixed bag of nuts. He is is only a threat as he wishes to rule. The mechanoid invasion halted, but the Republicans are another issue.

As for suspense have you figured out how to kill a black wing monster man? Have you had to fight them in a game?

They are enough. So are rogues and bandits.

Because simple fix, black wing monster men just kidnapped a bunch of people on the outskirts in hermiston oregon, next to the Columbia river. Now kill a flock of them.

the Columbia is fresh water, and at least 1 threat is prehistoric fish that can swallow a large human whole. Which happen to currently reside in the columbia. Imagine what they are in rifts.

Additionally there are no signs of lord of the deep minions operating very far inland.

With that in mind, life isn't idyllic, it is rough.

Even 5 years later the groups keep one eye open at night and even the nomads work hard to insure that they act as advanced scouts, as there is a symbiotic relationship with the various towns.

But these folks through dumb luck, good will of others and the will to survive regardless of their losses, are strong willed. Not saying there isn't other pockets of refugees and survivors but 2000 out of millions? That's slim pickings for the lord of the deep. And they wouldn't last long. Once they kill someone, it's over. But inversely those same individuals you say could become minions could become sea inquisitors too.

But you are welcome to use it in your setting.

There is still many "other" ways to inject conflict and risk in game play than what you are suggesting.

Honestly vampires and wolves following these dogboys and mutant experiments make better sense in my opinion.

Or something out of a rift event.

Add in that intelligently the new navy may likely have a base of operations in Portland just to keep the horune pirates out as well.

But that isn't to say that is fact however the new navy has many "undisclosed " bases.

But there are 32 coastal cities in Oregon to chose from.

Add in that there is only 1 pyramid, there is plenty that "can happen" and there is lots of mystery, suspense, and there is also a certain doctor in lonestar making self replicating skelbots. Which if unleashed into the western wild lands could spell trouble for those in those regions as the skelbots would likely be a force much larger than the whole of the nwc once they arrive.

Also with 200 years of time, there maybe other settlements of d-bees and monsters that have not revealed themselves. And likely will do their best to keep people away from their territory. Which both could be "good" but because of mistrust, lack of communication and unwillingness to communicate could result in fights.

Re: Northwest cooperative nation

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:15 am
by Hawk258
I will present it to the gm and other players, maybe it will end up in one of the hundreds of percentage rolls. As stated this is a Work in progress.