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Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:52 am
by psiandco
"As you all know, Arcologies are much more than fifty skyscrapers squeezed together. They are ecosystems and cities combined. This solved the housing and homelessness crisis of the last century. Our least productive citizens lived in walls of capsules. One capsule, one citizen. These citizens shared a public shower and many-stall latrine. The confines of these living quarters meant that the thermal energy produced by each body provided the energy needed to operate their VR entertainment headsets. The miracles of nitinol",
The corporate executive shrugged before continuing...
"If they wanted better food, medical care, or other VR games, they would have to pay for such upgrades. Capsule living wasn't a life sentence, one could get a job and work with the hopes of one day earning enough to be upwardly mobile. The next tier of citizenship was the cubicle, a 3 meter by 3 meter, by 3 meter dwelling. On one wall was the top bunk, A workstation middle that could have a micro-kitchen if the citizen earned it, and the floor area up to the desk bottom could be appliances or storage if desired. The appliances could be a laundry unit that would Dissolve and re-print Fab-pper clothing, an omni-recycler for commercial waste vacating, a food bank unit, even a much more powerful computer. The opposite wall included storage units and the Hygienic chamber. The H-room was all bathroom purposes rolled into a single device; the added plus was that the vacuum toilet system prevented air fouling. Cubicles were for workers and students as long as you performed at a satisfactory level, you didn't face demotion to the tubes. Ahem, the capsules".
The corporate executive gave a faint smile, rolled a shoulder and continued the presentation.
"Population has to be controlled, so only the worthiest of our citizenry can purchase a quad (a four cubicle sized residence) and maybe the right to marry and only those with the best genetics, history of achievement, and accumulated wealth can purchase the right to breed via Intelligent husbandry and IVF. Only the best cells are selected, and the DNA is manipulated to eliminate any of the 5,000 plus genetic diseases. The parents can spend additional resources to further upgrade their potential child. By law the parents cannot pass their scores and wealth to their children. All of the children must go through the same process of education, assessment, and industrious productivity monitoring so that they may find their proper place in our society."
The corporate executive swayed his head to one side as he smoothly turned and walked to gesture at another aquarium-sized holographic display.
"Now... The rules are different from these levels on up. The people who have always mattered; politicians, VR show stars, sports celebrities, and conglomerate leadership are well above such things. We know they are vastly superior to all of the rabble. The floor you live on is determined by how many decimal places you have in inherited wealth. Be warry, if your heirs are wastrels, criminals, or societal misfits, the way down from the top levels of society can be very quick! hundred billion Lawsuits and multi-trillion-dollar fines for criminal activities (such as vandalism, littering, not cleaning their room, abuse of a public service or robot, deviant political views, failure to perform according to the public standard, failure to satisfy the lusts/desires of the highest tier citizens, or the practice of any religion) can very rapidly strip an heir of everything. Our society will not stagnate, Our society will always reward the best with every possible luxury".
*Unspoken* "While the truly irredeemable citizens of our arcology are sent to the bio-mat recycler to become foodstuffs for our other citizenry".

Arcologies are constructed with the strongest alloys of Amorphous metals as bracers and pins, but what makes up the vast majority of the building? why is it so strong?
The answer is "Krystil". no, this is the correct spelling. Krystil is simply put, a "Sonic reactive growing chemical lattice" of molecular silicate alloys we find everywhere in the universe. Yes. a hand full of dirt. Any handful of dirt. A "Nom" device, the size of a cargo car, scoops up raw earth, reduces it to atoms via Arc plasma torches, and the vapor is trapped in a magnetic bottle. The atomic sorting process is easy, we force the atoms to identify themselves by their properties; Magnetic, Mass, and modify S.tandard T.emerature and P.ressure of the chamber to force condensation of the exact element we want from the plasma cloud. The STP sorted elements are then used like "Ink" tubes for Electron beam +UV lasers to assemble any molecular compound we desire. If any of you are old enough to remember Laser jet printing, this is very similar only instead of getting fax, we can transmit a BUILDING.

Angstrom scale construction, now nicknamed after cute little kittens eating memes, (makes a childish face and gushes "Nom-Nom-Nom" for comic effect, as famous kitten meme holograms pass by) is just the beginning of our process though. These spheres are "resonators" that produce frequencies that amazingly enough CREATE SHAPES from the atomic residue, our "ink". The waves of energy force the creation of molecules... and POSITION THEM on a scale far faster than +e rays and UV beams alone.

"NOM-NOM-NOM" and the landfill is gone, in it's place we leave behind a gleaming pyramid or dome that provides homes and jobs for as many as ten million citizens!

Re: Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:09 am
by psiandco
AGENDAS 2025, and 2030 failed, because the public wasn't ready to evolve. However, after just one generation of combined manipulation programs, and the maturity of our secret technologies...
We can begin to build a future worthy of the Bold dreams of Orwell and Huxley. Now in the year 2057. Humanity turns over a new leaf...
Eat bugs, save mothaurf!

"You will own nothing, and be happy"...

Re: Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:23 am
by psiandco
Rifter submission Idea: KRYSTIL

this hyper-tech pre-rifts mega damage material has one interesting property.
It is refractive to quantum foam rigidity and consciousness created structures in Planck length Mater/Energy Here after "Matergy".
Translation, Kyrstil is an ANTI-MAGIC material. the only one of its kind.

When used to create melee weapons, or solid munitions to be fired, the Krystil reverts any MDC life form back into using SDC and Hit points!

Because, just maybe, you are tired of coming face to face with a critter that can MD kill you (Say 2d4x10 mdc) with one casual swipe...
and the very same petrodactyl has 100 or MDC on stretched leathery wing flaps, 120 MDC hollow Bird bone arms, and a 400 MDC main body the size and shape of a 6 ft turkey...
but when you turn those wing flaps into armor? they produce 6 MDC worth of protection... (WTH?)

With all of the MEGA-MEGA-MEGA-ULTRAMEGA Damage capacity creatures that supposedly have populations in the MILLIONS in the western half of the USA...

My next tiny hold out pistol will inflict the same damage as the SDF-1 MAIN REFLEX CANNON!
For real. I am going to side with the coalition. Earth is for humans. Monsters have got to GO!


Re: Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:49 am
by psiandco
can we please ask the simvan to ride their hordes of spiny ravagers into xiticix hives? please...

Re: Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 4:00 am
by psiandco
now introducing KRYSTIL boom gun ammo!

Re: Arcology fabrication

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 4:52 am
by psiandco
I did some math, predator territory size, population and sustainability of each given population...

On rifts earth, there will be no humans (including all versions) in one year.
Player defenses are too weak.
Player weapons are absolutely inferior.

We face total extinction...