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More Bug Questions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:51 pm
by Tearstone
Okay, so I have two Bug questions that factor in to some tactical scenarios.

I don't recall seeing in the Systems Failure book whether a Bug's strength is considered Ordinary, Enhanced, or Supernatural even though many of them have 30+ strength.

Also, even if their strength is only Ordinary, anybody got any idea how far/high these things can jump, since some are sporting like 48 for P.S.?

Maybe some of them can't jump, like the Bombardier Beetle?

Re: More Bug Questions

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:35 pm
by Tearstone
mmm, but that would mean that somebody with >30 wouldn't be able to jump at all?

And for the jumping thing, do Bugs even worry about it? Wouldn't it be more efficient to turn into their energy form and shoot forward or in whatever direction they want to go and then coalesce back into solid form where they want to be?
Or instead of becoming solid again, dive right into a machine. Course then there's something people forget. They basically have the Line Transmission power. Even if there's no energy running through the line (from my understanding) they can still move through the power, cable, data, and phone lines. So they hop into a building, into its lines, and then appears halfway across the city because all the major lines are still in one piece.

Also, this gives me a killer idea for a Grasshopper style bug, one that can jump a few hundred times its body length, and also has some limited flight capability. They'd be faster than your ground pounders like the Ant, Assassin, and Bombardier, but not as long range as the Killer Bee.